"The good life, the one that truly satisfies, exists only when we stop wanting a better one. It is the condition of Savoring what is instead of longing for what might be" Read that again.... I read it several times this morning, letting it really soak in because it strikes a cord of truth often overlooked. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of wishing for something different. It is easy to see what's out there and want more or better than what we currently have. Cars age, lose their shine, and have little quirks that a new care doesn't... but do they still get us where we need to go? Houses always seem to need something in the way of repair or maintenance, but do they provide shelter and a place to come to at the end of the day? Clothing and shoes become outdated but do they still cover us and keep us warm? Relationships, can pale in comparison to the make believe we see on TV or read in books, but they are exactly that... make believe.
I think that this desire for more or better is a meticulously orchestrated plan of satan's to keep us constantly off balance. His plan is to keep us always searching, never satisfied. He breeds in us discontent, dissatisfaction, discord and often depression as we see all that we lack. How can we be truly joyful if nothing in life ever measures up to our "ideal"?
So back to the original quote... What is the good life? "It is the condition of SAVORING what is, rather than longing for what might be."
I LOVE THAT!!! So savor each day, each relationship and each blessing for all that it IS.. that's the good life.
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