Thursday, February 26, 2009

Letting Go

    Letting Go is such a difficult concept to grasp and an even harder thing to do from a human perspective. 
Only when we see our circumstances in light of God's very nature, and his plans for us, are we even able to take the first step.

Letting Go of the anger, hurt,  betrayal, fear, the need for revenge, self righteousness or bitterness, is opposed to human nature.

When we are wounded by someone or something, our immediate REACTIONS are generally not God-directed.

It takes looking at the messes through "God's eyes", choosing to REMAIN in the very center of HIS Love to truly Let go.

For some of us it is most difficult to let go of the person or thing that we have been fighting so hard to hold on to.  We fear that if we loosen our grasp we may lose them forever.

Letting Go will look different in each situation but the end result is the same.
Trust God to do the Holding

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How do they do it?

I don't know how people make it through the hardships of life without being connected to God on a level that goes deeper than their circumstances. 
Where do they go for refuge, if not to the Rock? 
Where do they find rest for the present and hope for the future? 
Where do they find healing, if not from the Great Physician, or guidance, if not from the Gentle Shepherd?
I know that I would be lost without HIM.   He is my strength, my comfort, my hope and my joy.  He is my reason for being.  I cannot do life apart from Him.
Does that make me weak?  No, I believe it makes me wise and it keeps me humbled.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Choice by Marion Bond West

We have to make a choice.
To live in despair, or joy.
To walk in fear, or in Faith.
To dwell under the shadow of the Almighty,
or reside in open spaces of self effort.

There is no in between place, no halfway house.
It's one way or the other.
Pity for ourselves, or compassion for others.
Lonliness or reaching out.

Joy and happiness are not even related.
Joy springs from deep within
 and has nothing to do with circumstances.

Jesus promised us Joy...
Happiness comes from without.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The inevitable

I am convinced that every person, if they live long enough, will experience difficult times.  Since we live in a imperfect world, surrounded by imperfect people, and are imperfect ourselves... hard times are inevitable.
There are situations that we find ourselves in because of our own choices. Sometimes it is the result of someone else's choices, and sometimes it is just life happening.
Ir-regardless of the causes, there will be turmoil, sadness, conflict and hurt, but for the believer there is always hope and healing.
God provides a "way of escape" so to speak.  He has offered to us a relationship that enables us to weather the storms of life, a way to be victorious in battle, and a way to grow in the midst of the struggles that have the potential to crush us.
It is like sitting in a car that has the capability of moving us from one place to another but... in order for this to happen we must put the key in the ignition, start it, put it into drive, and most importantly... Know our destination.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Over the course of the past week, we have learned that my father-in-law is coming towards the end of this life's journey. Cancer will be the vehicle which takes him from this life into the presence of his Lord and Savior.
Our "Pup", as we call him, is a wonderful Man. He has lived his life with Honesty and Integrity. He is loved by all that know him and the imprint he has made on our lives is unmistakable.
My husband gave him the news of his diagnosis on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday afternoon, He told us that a team of doctors also talked to him that morning. He said that after some tears, he had the opportunity to witness to all of them!! He gets it!!
A crises is described as "a critical situation, a decisive change in the course of a disease, Point of decision"
My father in law is in the midst of a crises, a point of decision, and he saw it as an opportunity to share Christ. This spoke volumes to me. It reminded me that there is life beyond the crises.

Perhaps a crises is better described as "a God designed chance to grow". Maybe it is the means to end...the end being that which counts for eternity.

Thank you Lord for Kenneth R Mauger and the impact he has had on me.