Saturday, January 30, 2010


An intimate relationship with Christ does not exempt us from messiness. Instead it helps us to accept those things that we cannot change and move forward.  Many times, if we allow it, those things that we cannot change help us to become the woman God desires us to be.

Where the "mess makers" in our lives leave us empty and insecure, God can fill our hearts with Hope, Joy and a sense of Gracious Generosity.

 1Corinthians 4:14 ff
We KNOW that the same God who raised our Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us....That is why we never give up....for our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasureably great glory that will last forever.  So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not seen yet.  The troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.

Remember to move forward in hope, even while you are waiting.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bridges and Walls

Proverbs 18:19 An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city.

As I was reading this morning, this particular verse jumped out at me like it was the first time I had read it.  I re-read it and re-read it and it struck a cord with me.  The questions that came to mind as I pondered this piece of wisdom are these. 

  • How often do we, as Christ followers, offend in our zeal to stop or help someone on a path of sin or  self destruction? 
  • How often does righteous indignation take the place of compassion and grace.  
  • How often is the truth spoken, but not in love?
  • Isn't a struggling brother or sister still a brother and sister?
  • What is really the desired end result?   Restoration of Retribution?

I can't help but feel that where a bridge is burned a wall is built.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I have a good selection of Bibles. I think it's one of the many blessings of being a Christian in America. I do however, have a favorite. It is my study Bible and one of the things I would want to grab on the way out of my home if ever it were on fire.
You see, I am a "Bible marker". I underline, and write notes in my bible. After all these years it is a record of my life ,of sorts. My markings reflect the passages that have been precious to me over the years. God's words that did His intended work in my heart when I needed them most.

This year of 2010 our church leadership has challenged us to read through the book of Proverbs, 1 chapter a day (there are 31) every month for the entire year. We will read through the book 12 times by the end of the year. I am excited about this because the book of Proverbs has been such a source of teaching and encouragement to me over the years and through the various stages of my life.

Today I was reading chapter 3. Verses 3 and 4, (previously underlined), caught my attention anew.
"Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."

Love and Faithfuless
! These are two attributes of God that are most precious to me. His Love for me and faithfulness to me, and those that I love, have been strong holds for me personally, and have largely shaped who I am today and how I view life. When life throws me a curve ball God's love and faithfulness remind me that there will always be an unchanging element in my life that I can cling to.

This passage of scripture is telling me to mirror my heavenly Father. That challenge is one that isn't easy for this imperfect person, but I truly want to be to God, and to the people in my life, what HE is to me.

If you have no bible reading plans for this new year how about reading Proverbs with your messy friends. That way we can share our hearts throughout the year via this blog.
Enjoy today and remember His Love and Faithfulness to each one of us.

Friday, January 1, 2010

So, Here we are.... Another new year has begun.
I was reminiscing yesterday about how often in those "growing Up" years that we wish to be somewhere in the future. We want to turn 5 and go to school, then we want to be in the double digits so 10 is a big birthday. Turning 13 and then 16 were milestones to look forward too. Then there was "I can't wait to graduate....get engaged...get married...have children and on it goes.
I have been blessed to see many milestones reached and it seems like yesterday when we had our first child. It's actually been 29 years, and we will soon have our 4th grandchild. I very rarely find myself wishing the days away for something out in the future. I am thankful for each day and the reality that with all the changes my life has seen, God has remained the same through it all.
I love this quote by St Augustine:
I Love you Lord- not doubtingly but with absolute certainty.
Your word beat upon my heart until I fell in love with you,
and now the universe and everything in it tells me to love you.
So in this New year the one wish I have for myself and all my Messy friends,
is to know and Love God even more.
Happy New Year my friends.