Monday, June 15, 2009

What Lies Ahead ?

I have been singing for so long that it's a part of who I am. I sang my first solo in church at 5 years old.
(I can still sing the song ).

As I got older, God provided more and more opportunities. I was always so deliberate in choosing music to sing. I wouldn't sing about something that I hadn't experienced. It was important that I believed with all my heart the message that I was singing . In doing so, music became the vehicle that really enabled me to share my faith and my love for God.

So many times my love for singing made it easier to become involved each time we moved to a new area and started attending a new church. Music allowed me to share with greater passion than I could have with the spoken word. It really is the universal language.

Lately, I have been wondering if God has something else for me, some other way to share my heart. I know that I will always need to be able to tell others all that he has done for me. My heart will desire to pour courage into woman who may be going through hard times, and are in need of a messy friend.

If you read this will you pray for me? I am listening for that still small voice.

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