Monday, June 8, 2009


The other day I was having a conversation with a young friend of mine. In the course of our conversation she shared her struggle of not quite measuring up spiritually to other people in her life.

I've been thinking about that for the past few days. Isn't it something how often we are waylaid by comparing ourselves to other people.

Using other people as a barometer for our own spiritual condition is never good. There is only one standard given to us as a goal to aim towards and that is to be more like Christ.

Knowing that it is not possible to be sinless like Christ was, what does God desire from us?

We first have to consider what God has already done for us. God demonstrated His love for us by making the greatest of sacrifices. He gave His only son, Jesus to make a way for us to be forgiven and freed from sin. When that forgiveness is accepted, it not only secures a future in heaven, but makes it possible for us to have intimate fellowship with God.

Gods' love for us cost Him dearly and what he desires from us is much simpler, I believe, than we make it.

  • I believe that God wants us to love Him and our relationship with Him more than anyone or anything else.
  • I believe that he wants to be the first person we go to when we need a listening ear, someone to cry to, someone to pour our hearts out to.
  • He wants to be part of the mundane, the everyday aspects of our lives.
  • I believe that he desires obedience to His word, not out of fear, but out of love.
I have learned that He Loves me more deeply and completely than any human being is even capable of. He sees the very best in me, and he also sees the worst but He loves me still, because Jesus paid the price for it all.

The many examples that we find in scripture of humans greatly used by God, should in themselves remind us that God uses imperfect people. That is the beauty of Grace.

Comparing ourselves to others can only do one of two things. It will cause pride and a false sense of spiritual rightness, or it will cause discouragement and self loathing. Either way satan has won because when we focus on others or ourselves in this way, we have taken our eyes off of God.

This is the essence of our spiritual battle isn't it? What or who is the subject of our focus?

So don't fall into the trap of comparison. No two people will ever be at he same place in their spiritual walk. The important questions are:
  • "Am I where God wants me to be"?
  • "Am I walking with Him before me, behind, me and all around me" ?
  • "Does my love for Him and His love for me impact the way that I live and the choices that I make"?

Look at yourself honestly but Not through someone elses lens.

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