Phillipians 4:6,7 Do not be anxious about anything but IN everything, BY prayer and petition, WITH thanksgiving, PRESENT your requests to God and... the PEACE of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. WOW Just writing out those words hits me with how powerful the process of giving worries over to God is. Chuck Swindoll breaks it down even more by keying in on 2 main thoughts.
"Worry about nothing, Pray about everything" What qualifies as worry? Anything that robs you of your joy. So often it is the things we can do nothing about, we can't change it, and chances are we aren't even responsible for it. It can be a thing, a person, a situation that we cannot control, It torments us , keeping us awake when we so desperately need to sleep.
God tells us that every item in our list of worries should be transferred to our prayer list. One by one we should relinquish them over to God ( he is already aware of them all), "present" them as the verse says, and then what???
Does He make them go away? No.... He says he will give us peace, a peace that will protect our hearts and minds.
It is an intentional act of surrender done over and over again with each new concern and it often requires giving back the same old worry that we keep re-visiting.
But ultimately, peace does come, and our trust in Him grows as we see how he is able to handle the things we cannot.
So much of this walk with God requires choices on our part. He has done all the work and has already provided all that we need to live victoriously, full of joy and hope...but we choose what to do with it.
So when worry creeps in, as it so expertly does, turn it into prayer. Do this over and over and over again until the day God calls us home and worry is no more. Herein lies peace.