Monday, September 21, 2009

Messy Friends

Once again, it has been a long time since I've written. Thankfully the messy friends stay in touch better than we blog.
As I think back over the past couple of months of our lives it is no wonder that free moments to blog are at a premium. Between the three of us we have moved children both into new homes of their own or back into ours. We are awaiting the arrival of 2 unexpected but very much loved babies. The school year has begun-(two of us are teachers), there has been a marriage, one of us has moved an elderly parent out of their home and in with us. We await decisions by people in power that affect us directly, and we know the future holds uncharted waters for each of us.
I have also been reminded as I look back how precious my friendships with messy friends are. I actually have quite a fair amount of messy friends. These are those dear sisters whose lives are unpredictable, plagued by worry or fear of the unknown, and who are certainly less than perfect. However, their God, (MY God) is very predictable and trustworthy, the great comforter, the author of peace, the one who holds the future, the perfecter of our faith, and our HOPE.
The bond that we share is that the messiness of life draws us closer to our precious father and to each other.
So to all my dear messy friends, I'm thinking about you today and I am forever thankful for each and every one of you.

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