Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Fear Factor

  • This morning I was reading in the book of Mark about the betrayal of Jesus and the scattering of the disciples. It struck me...Satan has been using the fear factor for a long time. He uses fear to cause well meaning, dedicated followers of Jesus to change course, and at times, hide.
  • The "unknown future" cripples us at times. We know in our heads that God is Sovereign and that he is all powerful, yet there are still those times when we doubt....Why?....we are afraid.
  • As humans it is impossible to wrap our minds around the truth that "God is Able". There are no limitations to this. He is God, and He is exactly who and what the scriptures declare Him to be.
  • This is where faith comes in. It takes faith to put your trust in something that you can't fully understand- even when you are afraid.
  • Another thing that this passage of scripture reminded me of is that even though Jesus knew the betrayal and abandonment were coming, he still loved the disciples and accepted them back with open arms. He not only accepted them back but went on to do incredible things with and through them.
  • What happened between the day of Jesus arrest and the eventual martyrs deaths that many of the disciples were victim to? Somewhere along the line they chose not to give in to the Fear Factor.

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