Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here we are nearing the end of September and I am wondering how this could possibly be!  I remember when my children were young, and I was a very busy stay at home Mom, I envisioned how the empty nest years would afford me the quiet  times that eluded me then.  Now, here I am , sort of empty nesting, and the quiet times still elude me.  I work full time and come home every evening to "reverse parenting"... so the only time it's really quiet is when I am sleeping !
It takes extended quiet for my mind to slow down and let go of the demands of the day. That is probably why I am not a very good blogger. The reality is that my life really does not allow those much needed long stretches of solitude.  It is the rare occasion that I can sit quietly and my mind can just breath, and I can think beyond the immediate.  When it happens I cherish it.  
But what I realize is that the reason my life is so full is because I am healthy enough to go to work everyday and I am blessed to have a job to go to.  That I have children and grandchildren that are happy to come and be with us and want us to be a part of their lives.  That I have a parent who is content to be here living in our home and it is a privilege to have her call our home hers.  The  truth is that my life is blessed!!  One day the quiet will set in and I will long for the days when my life was full of the people and things I loved.
So, thank you Lord for my busy life which makes the days pass so quickly and thank you for the past 45 minutes that were blissfully quiet.