It has been more than a month since I have written and it has been a very eventful month to say the least. Much has been happening in my immediate family and my messy friends family. The other week I was really struggling with a heavy heart and a sense of absolute helplessness over a specific situation. I was crying out to God asking Him a question that I have often asked in the past, "What would you have me do". In the midst of it all God calmed my spirit and I penned these thoughts.
When those unexpected, unwanted life storms enter my world, I want so much to DO something, or anything to fix it, or change it, or even better, make it go away. I have this need to DO something right away or even sooner if that were possible.
I think there must be an action or a word that will turn around a wayward heart or change a mind set on a destructive path. I want to DO something to open their eyes to the devastation of the choices they are making. I just want to DO! However, I think it is much better for me to allow God to work unhindered, by choosing just to BE.
To BE still and know, to BE quiet in the midst of the chaos and just listen. To BE there for a friend when they need me. To BE positive and supportive because her load is heavy enough. To BE a prayer warrior on her behalf and to BElieve that God (as He has always been) is much bigger than anything life throws at us.
Creator, Sustainer, My forever Defender Guardian, Provider, my Cleft in the rock The Beginning, the End and all in between MY SAVIOR, MY GOD, HE IS
I can just BE, because HE IS!