Letting Go is such a difficult concept to grasp and an even harder thing to do from a human perspective.
Only when we see our circumstances in light of God's very nature, and his plans for us, are we even able to take the first step.
Letting Go of the anger, hurt, betrayal, fear, the need for revenge, self righteousness or bitterness, is opposed to human nature.
When we are wounded by someone or something, our immediate REACTIONS are generally not God-directed.
It takes looking at the messes through "God's eyes", choosing to REMAIN in the very center of HIS Love to truly Let go.
For some of us it is most difficult to let go of the person or thing that we have been fighting so hard to hold on to. We fear that if we loosen our grasp we may lose them forever.
Letting Go will look different in each situation but the end result is the same.
Trust God to do the Holding